Friday, November 22, 2019

Overqualified Change THIS In Order To Get Hired

Overqualified Change THIS In Order To Get HiredOverqualified Change THIS In Order To Get HiredSince the end of belastung year when I started searching, Ive only had 1 phone interview and 1 in-person interview. I dont really understand the reason for such a low response. But I suspect Im being put into the overqualified category for many of the positions Im looking at.If youve searched for at least 3 months, yet have never or barely ever interviewed, the 1st order of business is to re-examine the branding youre putting out there. Your branded story starts with your resume. The key to recalibrating the resume is to take a wholistic approach. Too often, mature jobseekers delete the earliest 10-15 years of career history. That, plus removing the dates from your education are only the starting moves, not the final changes. Lets look at several areas to consider changing to make sure you dont look overqualified.Dial Down Your LeadershipIf youre reading an ad and saying to yourself that you can do this job with your eyes closed and 1 hand tied behind your back, then avoid presenting a resume that screams you can do everything and a whole lot more. The employer only wants to hire you for that 1 job, not to take over his company. Reflect on what to share and what not to share.Most lengthy career histories indicate upward movement increasing levels of responsibility in title, kollektiv size, and budget. Perhaps your audience doesnt need to know that you directed a team of 62 professionals. Perhaps your divisional budget was $3.4M, but you can instead present smaller budgets for individual projects.Reframe Your Managerial MantraWhen the 28-year-old HR screener reads about how much you, led, guided, steered, originated, and transformed, they think thats great just not great for THIS job theyre looking to fill.Reframe. Illustrate your specific contribution to the project or initiative, without expressly stating that you managed it. That can sound like you, collaborated, pa rtnered, conferred, or advocated. Terms such as those firmly cement your brand as a team player whos interested in what the other stakeholders have to say.Eclipse Your EducationLook at what the job ad is asking for, provide that, and dont go overboard. This is particularly applicable to your certifications. One of the easiest areas to tone down is where youre presenting multiple certifications that date back 20 years. After determining what the employer actually wants, consider what knowledge is still current or relevant much of it may no longer be necessary.Will making these changes mean youre not presenting the whole story? Yes. Your mission on your resume is not to present the whole story of you. Rather, the focus of your brand needs to be on presenting the relevant skills and qualifies that show youre the best person for the role.Your brand is step 1 in your job search process, and particularly for age 50+ jobseekers the subsequent steps you take to get hired require that you make the right connections to get squarely in front of the employers you want. Theres a cheat sheet and video training on how age 50+ jobseekers can land the right job and right salary in 8 weeks or less. Dont continue churning out resumes only to get sucked into the black hole. Find out how to approach your search correctly so you get responses, go on interviews, and hear offers in a reasonable amount of time.

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